Johnny Bravo Quotes, Sayings & Catch Phrases
Johnny Bravo Quotes, Sayings and Catch Phrases: Johnny Bravo is an American animated series that was created by Van Partible for Cartoon Network and the second of the network’s Cartoon Cartoons. It centers on a character who is a muscular and boorish young man who tries to get women to date him. In most cases, he is usually unsuccessful.
Find Johnny Bravo Quotes, Sayings, and Catch Phrases below
Johnny Bravo Quotes
“Hey, Baby! Anybody ever tell you have beautiful eyes?”
“Wanna see me comb my hair, really fast?”
“Enough about you, let’s talk about me, Johnny Bravo.”
“You look pretty…I look pretty…why don’t we go home and stare at each other?”
“Sweet. Bring on the Danish chicks and cream soda.”
“But enough about me… Let’s talk about me. What do you think of me?”
“Hello, 911 Emergency? There’s a handsome guy in my bathroom! Hey, wait a second. Cancel that – it’s only me! ”
“Now remember, I do my best work when I’m being worshiped as a god.”
“I bet your name’s Mickey, ’cause you’re so fine. You’re so fine you…”
“I am investigating the disappearance of all the cats in the city… my living room is full of cats… that means… (pause) I’m hungry!”
“Hey Foxy Mama, You smell kinda pretty. Wanna smell me? Hoohah!”
“Hey, Santa, it’s me, Johnny. Remember I’m the one that beat you up last year ’cause I thought you were a burglar?”
“Pops? It’s me, Johnny! I couldn’t find any donuts so I brought some tile grout!”
“‘What do you think, Rubber Ducky?’ ‘Quack, quack.’ ‘My thoughts exactly!’”
“Whaddaya mean? I got the hamster wheel and the hamster food dispenser. (looks in the mirror) Oh no! She’s turnin’ me into a beautiful butterfly!”
Johnny Bravo Catch Phrases
“Yeah, whatever.”
“I am Johnny Bravo, the one-man army!”
“Hey! How come he gets a banana?”
“Whoa, Mama!”
“He did it!”
“Who’s that?”
“Thank you, Thank you very much.”
“Mama mia. That’s a spicy meatball!.”
“She wants me.”
“Oh, you will pay for this!”
“You fiends!”
“I Know Santa!!!!!!!!!”
“Man, I’m pretty.”
“Pops, am I a…gentleman?”
“Right, what did I say?”
“I am sickened… but curious.”
“Space. It’s really, really, really, really big.”
“This is gettin’ really old really fast.”
“Check the pects. hoo ha hooah!”
Johnny Bravo Sayings
“Hey there smart momma, typin’ recipes?”
“Do the Monkey with me”
“But these letters! If Santa doesn’t get these letters by tonight, I might not get all those free presents I asked for. And whoever heard of a Christmas without free stuff?”
“Mmm. Frosted Sugar Bits. The great taste of frosted sugar in bits.”
“Dog… donkey… Well, they both start with the letter N..”
“Great Scott. My pizza-sense is tingling.”
“Jinkies…isn’t that some sort of breakfast cereal or something?”
“Mister, I don’t think you realize who you’re talking to. I’m Johnny Bravo, the one-man army!”
“My glasses! I can’t be seen without my glasses!”
“Wanna watch my chest hair move in slow motion?”
“Whoa! A castle in the sky! Just like in that fairy tale of Little Red Rumplestiltskin and the Three Bears and Gretel!”
“You know, you’d think a person with that much hate in her heart wouldn’t gravitate towards the service industry.”
“I came, I saw, I broke a hip.”
“I may be late honey, but I’m looking good.”
“Aaaah. The great smell of pig!”
“Hey baby, can I be your natural selection?”
“Aw, man! That does it! This is my favorite shirt! I gotta go wash up!”
“If loving me is wrong, you don’t wanna be right!”
“No Mama! I’m too old for the tiny pants!!”
“Bad baby! Stop defying the laws of physics!”
“This won’t end well.”
“You know, that just might be crazy enough to work.”

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