Thank You God for Giving Me another Year of Life
Thank You God for Giving Me another Year of Life: The beauty of life is enjoying it. If you are celebrating your birthday, you should be thankful to God for adding another year to your life.
You know God has been awesome to you for the past year, as you start another year, appreciate all that God has done for you. You can write on your WhatsApp status, Facebook, Twitter, or any social media platform.
Find a collection of Thank You God for Giving Me another Year of Life that you can use.
Thank You God for Giving Me another Year of Life
On occasion, I view my life flash before my face and I am gripped with joy because it’s a privilege. Thank you, God, for another year of my life.
I am grateful for another year because it’s another chance to retrace my steps and be full of gratitude. God, thank you for another year of my life.
Miseries and pains are limited when the heart is merry and full of thanks. God, thank you for another year of my life and the blessedness of having a family.
God, thank you for another year of my life and your grace that has prevented war breakage in my country.
By this time last year, Father, You counted me worthy to celebrate my birthday and throughout up to this time, You shielded me, preserved me and everyone around, I will be ungrateful not to thank You, Lord. For You deserve all the worship, praises, and glory. Thank You, Lord, for another birthday celebration. I love You, Lord. A happy and blissful birthday to me!
Gratitude is the best form of wealth, nothing else can replace it. God’s mercy has kept me and I am more grateful. Thank you, God for another year of life!
Thank You God for another Year of Life Quotes
If I have ten thousand tongues, it won’t still be enough to glorify You, heavenly Father. Even a multitude of voices cannot commensurate to the praise of Your name. You kept and preserve me through the year and brought me into another beautiful year alive, healthy, and in peace. Thanks be to Your merciful name. I love You, Lord. Happy birthday to me!
Gratitude encompasses different areas of our lives but most especially, the chance to live and breathe in a new day. God, thank you for another year of my life.
Thank you, God for another year of life. I count myself lucky because it’s only your grace that has kept me.
I can actually celebrate my birthday today and claim I am alive because of one sole reason which is the grace of God. Thanks be to the God of all creation for the gift of life, this year. Happy birthday to me!
I just want to bless You Lord and nothing less for You are even bigger than all my praise put together. Thank you for life this year. I bless Your holy name.
God, thank you for another opportunity to be healthy enough to see the beginning of another year of my life.
Thank God for another Year of My Life Quotes
It’s beautiful to advance in life, and being a year older is moving forward, I’m a year older today and I’m grateful to You God for all the good that has happened in my life.
There are opportunities and chances gained and missed, regrets for the wrongs done but more importantly, gratitude for those we have and love and for their being alive. God, thank you for another year of my life.
You made all things well, You guided me all through, You blessed me tremendously, and again You made me witness another year of my life. Thank You O God, You are the awesome One.
O God of all the glory, honour, and praise for You deserve it all. Thank You for another awesome year of my life.
Father, I thank for this glorious new age of mine is witnessed by me, my best friend, and my family. We bless Your name.
Thank You for the gift of life. Thank You for the opportunity of having me as Your own and the grace for another awesome year of my life. Blessed be Your name in the highest. Happy birthday to me!
Appreciating God for Adding a Year to My Years
I appreciate You O God for another year of being alive and in good condition. All thanks to you dear Lord for allowing me to witness another birthday, it wouldn’t have been possible without You, heavenly Father Thank you Lord for another day of my life. I love you, Lord. Happy birthday to me!
As I wake up to the dawning of a new day, filled with laughter, joy peace, and happiness from both my family and friends. Thanks to God who has counted me worthy to witness another beautiful year of my life.
My body is in perfect condition. This is not a coincidence or a gift of chance but love from God. God, thank you for another year of my life.
I am amazed at how a man could be so lucky and I realized it had nothing to do with me. It is all about your mercy. Thank you, God, for another year of my life.
All may seem gloomy but there is always an ever-glowing lamp of hope and life and for these I am grateful. Thank you, God, for another year of life!
I’m grateful for those who remembered me today.
Thank You Lord for Allowing Me to See another Birthday
Making the most of all that is being given is one more reason to be grateful for another day and ultimately, the completion of another year. God, I thank you for this awesome chance.
Thank You, God, I made it yet again because in Your love, You made me alive, and You showed me Your abundant grace in making me see another year of life and celebrate my existence. Happy birthday to me.
Lord, thank You for giving me a new day, new hope, and a new year to celebrate, thank You for new favors that come with this new age of mine.
Let the whole world join me in thanking an amazing God for giving me the chance to see and celebrate a new phase of my life. I am so grateful Lord.
People make life worth cherishing but God gives essence to our living and should never be taken for granted. Thank you, God, for another year of life!
All my treasures and wealth are nothing compared to the gift of life. God, thank you for yet another year of my life.
Birthday Thank You Message to God
You gave me this life yet again, to feel the breeze, and to breathe the air. Thank You, Lord, for Allowing Me to See another Birthday
Thank You, God; I made it yet again because you choose to love me enough, to surprise me with another year of life, and to celebrate my existence. Thank God for Everything in My Life
Thank you God for teaching me to number my days and helping me apply wisdom in every area of my life, it’s my birthday today. Thank You, God, for My Birthday
Thinking back, I realized I had given God plenty of reasons to turn His back on me, I didn’t deserve another chance but for a merciful God. Thank God for All the Blessings in My Life
Words alone aren’t enough to express how happy I am to be celebrating another year of life today, come on everyone, thank God with me for this chance to see a new life.
Thank God for another Birthday. It is such a blessing to be alive today!
It’s amazing to see another special day of my life, it’s a great blessing to feel alive at this moment, in the midst of loved ones, and here is my gratitude. Thank God for another Year of My Life.

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