Bunny Puns for a Hilarious Easter

Bunny Puns: It gets funnier with these bunny puns

Find a collection of bunny puns.

Short Bunny Puns

That’s a bunny-tastic idea!

Hare today, gone tomorrow.

I’m all ears when it comes to bunny puns.

You’re a real bunny boomer.

I’ve got a hare-raising problem.

This is a bunny-doo situation.

You’re bunny-tastic!

I’m hare to please.

That’s a rabbit hole of a problem.

You’re a bunny-teer.

I’ve got a bunny in my bonnet.

I’m hopping mad.

You’re a real bunny hugger.

I’m a bit harebrained.

You’re a carrot cruncher.

I’m bunny-fied.

I’m all hare and no teeth.

You’re a real bunny whisperer.

I’m bunny-tized.

I’ve got a bunny on my back.

I’m a real bunny hugger.

I’m bunny-tastic.

I’m a carrot cruncher.

I’m a bit harebrained.

I’m all hare and no teeth.

I’m a real bunny whisperer.

I’m bunny-tized.

I’ve got a bunny on my back.

That’s a bunny-tastic idea!

Hare today, gone tomorrow.

I’m all ears when it comes to bunny puns.

You’re a real bunny boomer.

I’ve got a hare-raising problem.

This is a bunny-doo situation.

You’re bunny-tastic!

I’m hare to please.

That’s a rabbit hole of a problem.

You’re a bunny-teer.

I’ve got a bunny in my bonnet.

I’m hopping mad.

You’re a real bunny hugger.

I’m a bit harebrained.

You’re a carrot cruncher.

I’m bunny-fied.

I’m all hare and no teeth.

You’re a real bunny whisperer.

I’m bunny-tized.

I’ve got a bunny on my back.

I’m a real bunny hugger.

I’m bunny-tastic.

Bunny Puns for Instagram

What do you call a rabbit housekeeper? A dust bunny.

Why did the bunny eat the wedding ring? Because he heard it was 18 carrots.

What is a rabbit’s favorite dance style? Hip-Hop!

What’s a rabbit’s favorite game? Hopscotch!

Did you hear about the rich rabbit? He was a millionhare!

I bought my rabbit a fancy new hutch. But he doesn’t seem to carrot all.

What happened when the Easter Bunny met the rabbit of his dreams? They lived hoppily ever after.

How do you make a rabbit float? Put soda, syrup, and milk into a glass. Add one rabbit.

Did you hear what happened to the Energizer Bunny? He got arrested for Battery.

How do you know carrots are good for your eyes? Because you never see a rabbit wearing glasses.

Where do rabbits work? At IHOP restaurants!

A rabbit was angry because he accidentally burned his hand. So he became a hot cross bunny.

Why did the rabbit like the adventure? It was a hare-raising tail.

Some bunny needs an Easter brunch mimosa, and that some bunny is me.

What did the carrot say to the rabbit? Do you want to grab a bite?

What did the rabbit say to its wife? No bunny compares to you.

What did the bunny say to its crush? Hey there hop stuff.

Some bunny loves you, and that bunny’s me.

Feeling simply ear-resistible.

My neighbor’s rabbit has this habit of pooping in our front yard. So my lawyer suggested to take him to a-pellet court.

You might not carrot all, but I think you’re ear-resistible.

A rabbit stole wealth from the rich and gave it to the poor. He was called Rabbit Hood.

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